Domenico Celli, Founder

Over the past 5 years, Domenico has worked alongside small farmers, rural business owners, local artists, non-profit leaders, government officials, and innovative social start-ups to find solutions that raise the sustained equilibrium in the standard of living for the small agri-preneurs of Puerto Rico’s Cordillera Central. 

His journey formally began in 2017. As a Political Science & Global Studies student, he initiated a project tracing the political-economic history of Puerto Rico to uncover the issues, events, and dynamics that plagued agriculture on the island. However, the seed of his passion for this project was sown much earlier; as a child, he and his siblings spend most summers in Puerto Rico with his grandparents and relatives. Inspired by his childhood experiences, and concern for the apparent deterioration in the quality of life and ecological outcomes resulting from the prevailing food-systems dynamic in Puerto Rico, he delved deeper. 

As an extension of what would become his senior thesis, Domenico planned a 1-month trip to interview farmers, non-profit leaders, and other stakeholders, which turned into over 4 months, once Hurricane Maria hit in September of 2017.

During that time, he camped out on farmer’s porches and spare bedrooms all over the Cordillera, while helping to process emergency relief applications for residents in need. From there, he launched a volunteer program that gained unexpected traction and brought in volunteers from around the island and around the world. 

Motivated by the desire to help farmers and transform the coffee industry, Domenico moved to Puerto Rico after finishing college. Despite facing challenges, dedicated himself to assisting farmers in applying for aid and writing grants. Along the way, he organized events under the name "Puentes Naturales" to connect like-minded individuals and organizations.

Through his efforts, Domenico attracted the attention of local nonprofits and organizations, forming partnerships to scale his project and benefit more farmers.

Along the way, Domenico and local farmers he’d been working closely with discovered a piece of living history— a long-forgotten heirloom coffee varietal, Typica 401– Puerto Rico’s original varietal.

The discovery, awakened his imagination, and inspired a demonstration project to revive production of this variety, and demonstrate the potential for high-value agriculture, under organic agroforestry systems to power, the small-scale farmers he’s been working with, and catapult La Cordillera back to the world scene. 

Today, Domenico's vision of reviving forgotten lands and lifestyles in Puerto Rico has become a philosophy and a call to action. Through passion, dedication, and the support of his team and partners, the project is forging an alternative path in the coffee industry of Puerto Rico. One that can preserve the island's agricultural heritage, while enriching the land itself.