The Arroyo’s

Farmers: Francisco and Vivian Arroyo

Farm Name: Finca Antourios 

Origin: Portillo, Adjuntas

Area Under Cultivation: 6 Cuerdas

Varietals Under Cultivation: Bourbon


Kiko and Vivian are a duo like no other. As Francisco would describe it, from as early as he could remember, he’s been strapped with the heavy burden of a deep and unwavering love for agriculture. Growing up in the historic coastal town of Arecibo, he easily could’ve been a “player” like his brothers and many friends—but instead, he found his thrills encountering the land on his relatives’ sprawling dairy farms. Strong-willed, and imbued with a boundless intensity for all things which caught his attention, he decided as a child, he’d one day marry Vivian. Through stints in nearly every agricultural job you can imagine, and a foray into San Juan luxury real estate, he finally won over Vivian. From then forward, they’ve ridden the waves of each others’ wild ambitions and passions—from launching a vertically integrated artisanal goat cheese brand to 1 successful 350-member organic CSA program. Today, they continue in much of the same manner, counting each day they spend in the intoxicating flow state rapidly acquiring a new skill set or delving deeper into an existing interest, as a triumph worthy of celebration. In their new project, Finca Antourios, we’re pleased to be true co-conspirators—first, providing approximately 6,000 heirloom Bourbon coffee seedlings, to now, three years later engaging on a nearly daily basis pushing the boundaries in regards to regenerative land use practices, and well as break-through processing innovations

Audio Interview:


Frankie Gonzalez


Domenico Celli Borrero